2020年3月22日 星期日

免費在線觀看紀錄片 Watch films online for free

200多部紀錄片,阿姆斯特丹 國際紀錄片節
The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

多年來在IDFA上放映的所有電影和互動紀錄片。 許多都可以在線觀看(通過使用過濾器“在線觀看”),有些是免費的!

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam offers an independent and inspiring meeting place for audiences and professionals to see a diverse and high-quality program. The diverse nature of the event applies to the form and content of the films as well as to the cultural backgrounds of the filmmakers. IDFA offers an alternative to mass entertainment and uniformity, confirming that there is an increasing need in audiences for high-quality films that delve deep and urge us to reflect. Since 2007, the festival's New Media program IDFA DocLab showcases the best interactive non-fiction storytelling and explores how the digital revolution is reshaping documentary art.

In addition to the festival, IDFA has developed several professional activities, contributing to the development of filmmakers and their films at all stages. At co-financing and co-production market IDFA Forum filmmakers and producers pitch their plans to financiers; at Docs for Sale new documentaries are on offer to programmers and distributors; the IDFA Bertha Fund supports filmmakers and documentary projects in developing countries; and the IDFAcademy offers a international training programs for up-and-coming doc talents.


Explore all films and interactive documentaries that have been shown at IDFA over the years. Many are available to watch online (by using the filter Watch online), some for free! We're working hard to keep the selection as broad and accessible as possible, but unfortunately, some titles are available to stream within The Netherlands only.


2020年3月21日 星期六

2021 福利社 展覽計畫 徵件



視盟(AVAT)與悍圖社秉持為藝術公民服務與回饋藝術環境的初衷,提供「福利社 FreeS Art Space」展覽空間予藝文界的老將新秀一個創作發表的舞台,期望經由空間的介面,能夠促進對於藝術的深度探討與藝術視野的開啟,進一步地擴展藝術對話交流。

  • 須為中華民國籍。
  • 從事各項相關藝術工作之個人或團體。
  • 展覽主題、作品創作內容及媒材不拘。
  • 該申請案需為首次公開發表。
  • 本展覽空間分A區、B區及A+B區,申請者可依三場地擇一提案,「福利社FreeS Art Space」將依該年申請通過展覽案件之條件與複雜度進行檔期之協調,以利展覽順利推動。
  • 空間平面圖請見置底圖片或按下載。
  • 分為兩階段評審制,包含初審與複審,將聘請專業評審(包含悍圖社、視盟理監事成員、外聘委員等)進行篩選,初審以書面資料遴選,複審將進行面試,評選結果公告於官網及臉書,並以電子郵件另行通知獲選者。
  • 通過評選之提案,將從2021年3月開始排期展出,展出時間以福利社協調安排,如有遇到臨時變化,福利社保有調整檔期之權限。
  • 每檔展期約四至六週。
分為紙本資料與光碟資料,請於截止日(2020年3月31日)前,以郵寄或專人親送方式,寄至「福利社FreeS Art Space」:10460台北市中山區新生北路三段82號B1。

A. 紙本資料
 1. 展覽申請表。
 2. 展覽論述與企劃書。
  • 內容需含:計畫名稱、申請人簡介、展覽類型、欲申請之場地、展出作品介紹、展場作品配置圖,總頁數以20頁為限。
    3. 作品清冊
  • 需標明:作者、作品名稱、年代、媒材、尺寸等。
    4. 藝術家/策展人履歷。
 5. 申請人身分證影本。

B. 光碟資料
 1. 展覽申請表:WORD、PDF格式各1份
 2. 展覽論述與企劃書:WORD、PPT格式各1份
  • 簡報PPT需含:計畫名稱、申請人簡介、展覽類型、欲申請之場地、展出作品介紹、展場作品配置圖,總頁數以20頁為限。
     3. 參展作品圖檔或影片檔:jpg、mp4格式
  • 圖片總量10~15張,每張圖檔大小1MB以上、3MB以內。
  • 如作品為錄像、行為、新媒體藝術類者,請附1分鐘完整版之影片檔。影片以mp4格式儲存,檔案大小不限。
    4. 作品清冊
  • 需標明:作者、作品名稱、年代、媒材、尺寸等。
    5. 藝術家/策展人履歷。
 6. 申請人身分證影本掃描檔。

  • 寄送時於主旨或信封上標明「申請2021福利社open call徵件」。
  • 郵寄應以郵戳為憑,快遞及宅急便視為專人親送,收件戳章不等同於郵戳效力,親送需於截止日當日營業時間內送抵福利社,逾期不候。
  • 申請時不限視盟會員,皆可參加徵件。若獲得該年度展覽資格,則須加入視盟會員;因故無法加入會員者,則視盟有權取消該年度展覽資格。
  • 送件之資料及相關附件檔案概由本館留存,申請者請自留備份。
  • 如有任何疑問歡迎來信或來電詢問承辦人員。



2020年3月19日 星期四

國際的攝影書出版社 International Photobook Publishers

Adad Books – Adad Books is an independent publishing house dedicated to making artists’ books. Each unique publication will be a limited edition but affordable singular object, resulting from a close collaboration between artists, writers and designers.

Akaaka – AKAAKA Art Publishing, Inc. is a Tokyo based publisher specializing in photography and art books, founded in 2006 by Kimi Himeno. We have been publishing more than 120 books. We aim to introduce talented Japanese artists.

Akina Books – Akina Books is an independent publishing house of hand-made photobooks, as objects to crease, love, collect. Akina Factory is a space to conceive, design, print and bind our and your ideas. Akina is London based, yet frontierless.

AMC Books – Archive of Modern Conflict is a publisher based in London, England, producing books on photography and art, which are available from the AMC’s own online bookshop at amcbooks.com and at selected specialist art and photography bookshops worldwide.

André Frère Éditions – Stem form graphic arts and skilled as art director, André Frère always look after shapes, materials and graphic design in his productions, each book sticks to the photographer’s work, in order to serve it and to show it at best. Based in Roquevaire. 

Another Place PressAnother Place Press is a small independent publisher. We are interested in contemporary photography that explores landscape in the widest sense, covering themes which include land, place, journey, city and environment – from the remotest corners of the globe to the centre of the largest cities.

Aperture – Aperture, a not-for-profit foundation, connects the photo community and its audiences with the most inspiring work, the sharpest ideas, and with each other—in print, in person, and online. Based in New York. 

ARP2 – ARP2 is a publishing house dedicated to the photographic art. More precisely, ARP supports the work of those author photographers who establish a relationship with the landscape, such relationship being poetic, philosophic or documentary. Based in Bruxelles.

artbeat publishers – As a publishing section of G/P gallery, a contemporary photography gallery based in Tokyo, artbeat publishers has been energetically producing a variety of books in collaboration with the greatest artists of our times, including Viviane Sassen, Stephen Gill, Kishin Shinoyama, Mika Ninagawa, Daisuke Yokota, Taisuke Koyama, Rieko Shiga and more. As a Japanese art publishing house, we dedicate our passion in promoting greatest cutting-edge contemporary visual art through the media of art book towards Japanese and international audience. 

Art Paper Editions – APE (Art Paper Editions) is an independent publishing platform. APE was founded in 2010 by Jurgen Maelfeyt and Caroline De Malsche and focusses on the book as an exhibition space. APE works with artists and institutions. Based in Gent. 

b.frank books – b.frank books is roger eberhard & ester vonplon. Based in Zurich.

Bemojake – Bemojake is an independent publisher based in London. We publish limited edition books, working in close collaboration with the artist and designer.
The imprint was started by Maxwell Anderson in 2011.

Bloom Publishing – Bloom is an independent publishing house based in Melbourne, Australia. 

Café Royal Books – Weekly photographic publications focussing broadly on aspects of change, usually within the UK. Café Royal Books (founded 2005) is an independent publisher based in the North West of England. 

Caravanbook – Our books are not travel guides, they are tributes to places we love.

ceibaceiba is an independent publishing house, founded by Candy Pilar Godoy and Eva-Maria Kunz in 2014. Dedicated to publishing art and photography books, often with handmade qualities, always in collaboration with the artists. Winner of a Lucie Award in 2015 for Book Publisher of the Year. ceiba is based in New York and Italy.

Cesura Publish – Cesura Publish is a publishing house established in 2010 by Cesura, a group of independent photographers. Only limited edition books and fanzines of the work produced by internal group’s members come out of here; by self producing its own projects, Cesura promotes itself through photography projects, clinging to key principles which is based on: independency, autonomy and whole control of the productive process. Based in Piacenza. 

Chose Commune – Chose Commune is an independent publishing house devoted to photography books. Founded by Cécile Poimboeuf-Koizumi and Vasantha Yogananthan. Based in Paris.

Cornerkiosk – We focus on low cost, limited edition printed matter by emerging artists for converging worldwide distribution. Based in Scandinavia.

cpress — cpress is a photobook publisher based in Zurich, founded by Christoph Nüssli and Christoph Oeschger.

Crowdbooks – In the six months following the birth of Crowdbooks, thanks to its innovative model of social crowdfunding, it had already proven itself as a revolutionary game changer in the world of publishing by raising over €80,000 financing 6 photobook projects.

Dalpine – Founded in 2010 in Madrid by José Manuel Suárez and Sonia Berger, Dalpine is a publishing house dedicated to introducing innovative photographic works dealing with the contemporary way of life, its disorders, fractures, and also its possibilities. Dalpine encourages collaboration between photographers, artists, designers and editors to produce limited edition books. Based in Madrid.

Damiani – Damiani was founded in May 2004 as the new publishing branch of the printing company, Grafiche Damiani. Damiani was set up in the 1950s to specialize in art and photography lithographic printing. Based in Bologna.

Daylight – Daylight is a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing art and photography books. By exploring the documentary mode along with the more conceptual concerns of fine-art, Daylight’s uniquely collectible publications work to revitalize the relationship between art, photography, and the world-at-large. 

Dewi Lewis – Dewi Lewis Publishing is a partnership owned and run by Caroline Warhurst and Dewi Lewis. Founded in 1994, its photography list has an international reputation and includes books by leading British and international photographers. The aim of the company is to bring to the attention of a wider public, accessible but challenging contemporary photography by both established and lesser known practitioners. Based in Manchester.

dienacht – dienacht Publishing is an independent photo-book publisher. Our aim is to showcase carefully selected photographers through a limited circulation of unique, beautifully produced and highly collectible books. Based in Leipzig.

Ediciones Anomalas – Of books, we like everything. The smell and touch of paper, the typography, the whites, the caressing sound of the pages while turning… And the only pleasure to close them with the satisfaction of having enjoyed the experiences and moments that are already ours and that has made us a bit smarter or which have touched the depths that belong to all, although few are capable of making them available to others. Books are a physical delight and a cause of spiritual joy. The two sides of a trade that Ediciones Anómalas feel continuously, with an eagerness to gain the trust of demanding readers.

Edition Patrick Frey – Starting in 1986, Edition Patrick Frey has published more than 190 books until today. Collaborating closely with mainly Swiss but also international artists, the publishing house focuses on unique projects and produces books in small print runs. Based in Zurich.

Editions Bessard – Editions Bessard is a Paris-based independant publishing house created by Pierre Bessard in 2011. Focusing on working with artists, writers and curators to realise intellectually challenging projects in book form.

Éditions du Lic – Éditions du LIC is an independent publisher specialising in the creation of provocative contemporary titles by emerging and established avant-garde photographers. Founded in 2012 by Nicholas McLean, Éditions du LIC operates as a collective, bringing together photographers, designers and writers to produce limited edition artist books. Based in Scandinavia.

Editions Xavier Barral – Éditions Xavier Barral publish books by contributors to the international art world. Each book is a unique object. The works of Josef Koudelka, Patrick Zachmann, Jane Evelyn Atwood, Martin Parr, Raymond Depardon, Jean Gaumy, Philippe Chancel, or those of Annette Messager, Sophie Calle, Daniel Buren, Thomas Hirschhorn, Fabienne Verdier, the stories of Pier Paolo Pasolini, or the worlds of David Lynch, William Kentridge or Watabe emerge as “book-objects” whose aesthetic, design and editorial choices take pride of place. Based in Paris.

Editorial RM – Focusing principally on photography, contemporary art, and little-known literary treasures or “rarities,” RM is known for the meticulous care it lavishes on each one of its titles, in terms not only of content, but also of design and typography, as well as the judicious choice of paper and materials and the strict supervision of production details. Another signal characteristic of RM is its broad distribution network, which allows it to circulate its publications to most parts of the world.

Eriskay Connection – The Eriskay Connection is a Dutch studio for book design and an independent publisher of photobooks, artbooks and research projects. We are specifically interested in projects that map a relevant matter, provide insight into the world we live in, tell a story, make a statement, expose a history or give directions to our view on the future. We love art projects that flirt with science or wherein science becomes visual poetry.

Fabrikbooks — Fabrik Books is a small independent publishing house focusing on high quality publications by contemporary nordic and photography based artists, founded by the internationally acclaimed artists Nicolai Howalt & Trine Søndergaard in Copenhagen in 2015.

Fall Line Press – Fall Line Press is a photobook publisher, bookstore and reading room located in Atlanta, GA. Our mission is to support photobooks and their creators. We aim to be a valuable resource for artists and art patrons as they connect more deeply with art and creative expression.

Filigranes Éditions – For 27 years, Filigranes has been following an original and audacious path in artists’ editions. The editorial approach combines image and writing in unique books. Founded by Patrick Le Bescont, the catalogue offers 580 titles. The editorial approach is to combine Filigranes, in singular books, picture and writing, thus making cross eyes and sensibilities of photographers authors, artists and contemporary writers, without exclusion or styles genres.

Fishbar – we love photography. we love making things. we love telling stories with photographs, both our own and other people’s. we love finding ways to make interesting installations in small spaces. we love bringing people together to look at and talk about pictures. we love making projects happen.we bring photography and books to different audiences. we love collaborating with musicians and poets. we sometimes also make beer. we are philipp and olivia. Based in London.

FotoEvidence – Every year the FotoEvidence Book Award will recognize a photo project documenting evidence of a violation of human rights. The selected project will be published as part of a FotoEvidence series of photo books dedicated to pay tribute to the work of photographers, whose commitment and courage deliver painful truths, creating an awareness and intolerance towards violations of human dignity. 

Fotohof – Fotohof edition is part of Fotohof Salzburg, a non profit organisation founded in 1981 that is devoted to promoting contemporary art photography. The edition specializes in publishing monographs of European photographers with an emphasis on Austrian and German artists. Based in Salzburg.

Fuego – Fuego Books is an publishing house located in Murcia, a city in the southeast of Spain. We are two siblings, Ángela and Gustavo Alemán and we love photographs and books. We believe the photobook is an ideal format to speak about the world and the people who inhabits it, to tell open stories and evoke complex emotions. We want to make this fire spread and we will feed it with books. Beautiful books. Dangerous books. Fiery books.

FW: Photography – Fw:Books is an independent publisher with a focus on photography and related topics. Photography is a unique medium; it doesn’t have a fixed way of revealing itself. It can be a screen, a c-print, a slideprojection, or a book. We see the choice to make a book as a choice to make a new work. Based in Amsterdam.

GHOST Editions As a publisher, GHOST publishes books that emphasize visual narratives and articulate a “politics of image”, i.e. critical approaches on the uses and conditions for receiving the image, be it documentary, archival, fictional or appropriated. It is also interested in publishing artistic contents obtained through the most diverse processes. Based in Lisbon.

GOLIGA Under the imprint GOLIGA, Ivan Vartanian produces, edits, and publishes limited editions, experimental book works, and photography-based events. The principal objective of GOLIGA is to experiment with innovative ways of disseminating and engaging with photography. GOLIGA is based in Tokyo.

GLORIAGLORIA is an intercontinental publishing platform that focuses on the publication of art and photography books. Our practice approaches the production of the book as a complete process; from concept to design to print. The artist is heavily involved in every step, producing objects that are a full expression of their intention.

GOST Books – GOST Books is a photography and visual arts publishers founded by Gordon MacDonald and Stuart Smith, and based in London.

Harper’s Books – Harper’s Books, founded in 1997, is a bookshop and gallery located in East Hampton, New York. We specialize in rare photography, art, and literary books, with particular emphasis on association copies, landmark items in exceptional condition, and unique examples of work personalized by artists and writers.

Here Press – Here Press is an independent publisher dedicated to exploring documentary photography in book form. It was founded in 2011 by Harry Hardie and Ben Weaver.

Hoxton Mini Press – Hoxton Mini Press make small, collectable photographic books. Many of our books are about East London or have an urban theme. 

Humboldt Books – Humboldt is a brand-new Italian publishing house focused on travel literature that draws inspiration from scientific explorations of the 18th and 19th centuries. Humboldt collects multidisciplinary experiences, combines knowledge and practices for recounting travels and countries with a watchful and unconventional eye. Based in Milan.

Jane & Jeremy – We are a small independent publisher located in South London who produce handmade limited edition books. Established in 2006, we place emphasis on finding new & upcoming creatives as well as established artists whose work we admire.

Jiazazhi – Jiazazhi is a photo art publishing institution, devoted to exploring the possibilities of photo work presentation off the wall. Our practices include blogzine, publishing project, distributing project, quarterly magazine (under working).

Kehrer Verlag – Founded in 1995, Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg Berlin specializes in books in the fields of photography, fine arts, and culture.

Kominek Books – Why a photo book? To tell a story in pictures, or is it more to express ourselves in another language and not be always strictly narrative? The book-making is an ancient process, which is still the strongest for us when it comes to tell a story with documentary photography. So we are always thrilled about a good photobook.

KWY Ediciones – We are a small publisher based in Lima, Peru. We are mainly interested in promoting Peruvian and Latin American photographers. 

La Fabrica – La Fábrica’s areas of work cover the entire sphere of contemporary culture: photography, art, literature, cinema, theatre, dance, architecture, music, science… Contemporary ideas and trends open to dialogue are behind every project we undertake.

L’Artiere – Specialised in the presentation of photographic collections, L’Artiere Edizioni strongly believes in the concept of quality and attention to every detail of the finished product, devoting itself to the creation of volumes that are aesthetically pleasing and made to last. Based in Bologna.

Le Bal – We imagined LE BAL as a free zone, a territory of images traversed by historical, social and political implications. As a time and place for re-cognition of reality in all its complexity and contradictions. At a time when visual information is in crisis and the society of the spectacle omnipresent, we remain convinced that the document-image can resist. Lucid but unresigned. With no other ambition than to relate the world.

le Bec en l’air – Our size allows us to design and develop projects on a reasonable scale, where we control the entire editorial workflow. While we eschew a label of “regionalist publisher”, we identify ourselves as an independent Mediterranean publisher open to the world. This is best illustrated by our many international co-publishing initiatives and our participation in numerous book fairs in France and abroad. Based in Marseille.

Lecturis — Lecturis was founded in 1922 as a publishing company. In 1940, printing became its primary activity and in 2010 Lecturis began publishing books again. Books about art, design, photography and cultural history with an outstanding quality in design, printing and finishing. The books are being distributed in the Netherlands and around the world. Based in Amsterdam.

Libraryman – Working with a varied group of photographers and artists from around the world, Libraryman selects its collaborators with interest and sincerity and believes in establishing a relationship with everyone involved in a project’s process. Based in Paris.

Little Big Man – Limited edition independent photography book publisher and gallery based in Los Angeles, California.

Little Brown Mushroom – Established in 2008 by Alec Soth, Little Brown Mushroom (LBM) is a small arts institution located in St. Paul, Minnesota. Working closely with photographers, writers and designers, LBM is committed to experimenting with new ways of creating and distributing visual stories.

Lyre Press – Lyre Press is an independent publishing initiative founded in 2015 by artist Max Pinckers. With a personal background in self-publishing, Pinckers works in close collaboration with artists from various media to produce autonomous publications. Based in Brussels, Belgium.

MACK – Books with artists, writers and curators. Based in London.

Maria Inc. – Maria Inc. is a think tank and a publishing house specialised in photography. By supporting high quality DIY practices and tailor-made approaches, we offer creative solutions to its partners and clients. Based in Paris.

Mörel Books – Independent publisher specialising in limited edition art books. We view the book as the final step in an artists process, and encourage the artist to engage in the conception, design and feel of the book. Based in London.

Nazraeli Press – Nazraeli Press has been producing monographs on the fine and applied arts since 1991. Our award-winning publications are found in public and private libraries and collections worldwide. Based in Munich.

NewfaveNewfave is an independent publisher based in Tokyo and Hayama. It was founded in 2014 by Kohei Oyama. We release limited edition contemporary art / photography books through the collaboration with artists and designers. We find value in the book making process.

Oodee – Based in London and Paris, oodee is an independent publishing house working closely with establish and emerging photographers and dedicate on designing and printing unique contemporary photography books.

OverlapseOverlapse is an independent visual arts publisher established in 2014. We are interested in personal work with individualistic themes and narratives; experiential photographic diaries, social documentary or commentary, and street photography with a developed vision or concept.

Palm* – Palm Studios showcases photographers and artists through creative projects, online features, exhibitions, events and has its own publishing house and distribution. Based in London.

Pau Wau Publications – Pau Wau Publications is an independent publishing press dedicated to the production of limited edition books & zines of contemporary photography & art, founded in 2008 in Brooklyn, NY by photographer Andreas Laszlo Konrath & designer Brian Paul Lamotte.

Peperoni Books – In 2004 Hannes Wanderer founded the publishing house Peperoni Books, which is based in Berlin. Peperoni Books regularly publishes sophisticated illustrated books with focus on contemporary photography.

PHREE – PHREE is a publishing house focused on documentary photography, travel books and family albums. OPH provides editing and publishing services for institutions, corporations and individuals. Based in Madrid.

Pierre von Kleist Editions – Pierre von Kleist Editions is an artist run publisher specialized in photo books. We are committed to the production of new, innovative photo books and we believe the photo book to be a medium capable of expressing complex, abstract, contemporary issues and to reach a wide audience.

PogoBooks – PogoBooks is an independent publishing company focused on affordable limited edition art books, catalogues, editions and zines in small print runs. We believe in a future printed on paper, and conceive the printed artwork as a unique artform. PogoBooks is a platform, an archive and collective for contemporary arts and photography. The Berlin-based publishing-house was founded by Claudio Pfeifer in 2010.

Poursuite Editions – Poursuite is a French publisher based in Paris and Arles, focused on contemporary photography.

Punctum Press – Punctum is a platform for books, exhibitions and photography productions, founded in 2003. Punctum publishes works by international authors, particularly contemporary and often unpublished ones. It takes ideas and visions and transforms them into rigorous, tangible, original projects, paying attention to the balance between the merit of a project and its final form.

Red Hook Editions – We are a publishing community formed by photographers who believe in creating high-quality books, empowering artistic and editorial decisions to ourselves. Based in New York.

roshin books – roshin books is an independent photography publishing label based in Tokyo, founded in 2013.

RRB Books – We are specialists in old and new, carefully selected photobooks. Following ventures in antiquarian books and publishing, German-born Bristolian Rudi Thoemmes established RRB Photobooks to share his passion for interesting, rare and out of print photobooks. Based in Bristol.

RVB Books – RVB Books is both an independent publisher dedicated to designing and printing unique fine arts books and a gallery featuring exhibitions on new editorial practices. Based in Paris. 

Schilt Publishing – Schilt Publishing and Schilt Gallery are respectively a publishing house specialised in high quality photography books, and a commercial gallery representing a wide range of top class artists from all over the world. Based in Amsterdam.

Skinnerboox – Skinnerboox is a small independent publishing house focused on contemporary photography. Based in Jesi.

Sturm & Drang – Sturm & Drang* is an independent art-book publisher based in Switzerland. Founded 2014 by Reto Caduff with a mission to present and promote creative works by photographers and artists, we want to tell capturing visual stories by emerging talents, established artists and publish rediscovered treasures from the past. Based in Zurich.

S U N – S U N Editions is based in New York featuring a range of books, prints and editions.

SPBH Editions – SPBH Editions is an photography publishing house based in London that challenges the traditional boundaries of bookmaking to realize exceptional artist projects in the form of limited edition publications. SPBH Editions in an offspring of the curatorial project Self Publish, Be Happy, and from that community and experience comes its idea of the book as an artwork.

Session Press  Session Press is dedicated to introducing contemporary and historical works by both emerging and established Japanese and Chinese photographers. Founded in 2011 by Miwa Susuda, photobook consultant at Dashwood Books in NY, Session Press functions like a collective, bringing photographers, designers, writers, and editors together to produce limited edition artist books. Based in New York.

Shelter Press – Shelter Press is a French publishing / curatorial platform founded in 2011 by publisher Bartolomé Sanson and artist Félicia Atkinson. Shelter Press works as a nomadic artist-run organization building up dialogues between contemporary art, poetry and experimental music through publications, pedagogical experiences, and exhibitions.

Silas Finch – Founded by Kevin Messina in 2009, The Silas Finch Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization based in Los Angeles and New York. We work collaboratively with artists to publish and distribute exceptional artist books and editions.

Silent Sound – Started in 2015 by Coley Brown. Based in Los Angeles, CA.

STANLEY / BARKER – STANLEY / BARKER is an independent publishing company based in London. Founded in 2014 by Gregory & Rachel Barker.

Steidl – In 1996, Steidl started his own photo book program. Today, some of the most renowned photographers and artists across the globe are part of the Steidl program, including Joel Sternfeld, Bruce Davidson, Robert Frank, Robert Adams, Karl Lagerfeld, Lewis Baltz, Ed Ruscha, Roni Horn, and Juergen Teller, to name but a few. Based in Göttingen.

SUPER LABO – SUPER LABO is a Kamakura based independent publishing house focused on contemporary photograph.

Tartaruga – Tartaruga is a small independent publisher, record label, and printing press, based in London. Our focus is on producing limited-run physical and tactile editions, across a spectrum of music, books and print. The emphasis throughout is on creating beautifully presented objects, incorporating hand-made elements, screen-printed covers and inserts, and always with a firm belief in artist-led artwork and design. Based in London.

This Book Is True – This is a publishing house that publishes and sells books that should be self published, if that makes any sense. Cristina De Middel and Miguel Neira are in charge: “It is small and we want to keep it like this”.

TBW BooksTBW Books is an independent photography book publishing company based in Oakland Ca. Founded in 2006. The company produces books by some of the world’s most renowned and acclaimed artists working in the field of photography.

Terranova – Terranova was born to meet two needs: confronting contemporary cultural virtuality by producing physical and tangible objects, and giving voice to a group of new artists whose generation is being silenced or removed from the mainstream by the capitalist structures dominating the national cultural scene. Based in Barcelona.

T&G Publishing – Australian-based T&G Publishing specialises in establishing a creative dialogue with the acclaimed photographers they publish. Using the finest design and most advanced printing practices, T&G are committed to showcasing elite photographic art – emanating from both Australia and worldwide. 

The Velvet Cell – An independent publishing house exploring the impact of man on the social landscape. Based in Osaka.

TIS Books – Photobooks, we think, grow of themselves. They are the unique expressive and communicative form – the offspring of a camera and a mind at work in the world – to which TIS books is dedicated.

Trolley Books – Independent publishers of photography, photojournalism and art books. Based in London.

Tycoon Books – Tycoon Books is a Tokyo based independent publisher established by Taro Serikawa and Yosuke Watanabe in 2009. Our mission is to discover new talents from the world and introduce them by way of publishing. We conrtibute to the publishing culture through publishing artist books in an original way that only a small independent publisher can do, and deliver the books to the audience across the world.

Van Zoetendaal – Van Zoetendaal considers his books as spacious constructions and he has been extremely influential in terms of the selection and montage of the content of the books, enabling a rhythmic melody to be formed in unison with the design. Van Zoetendaal considers that photography in print must be optimally lithographed and printed so that it ‘becomes a new form of vintage.’ For him, the photo book is an art form in its own right. Based in Amsterdam.

Waltz Books – Waltz Books contributes to the dialog on contemporary art by providing creative and financial support for the production of ground-breaking photobooks. Waltz Books seeks projects that require a close relationship between the book format and the photographic image. 

Witty kiwiWitty kiwi is an independent publisher founded with the intention to promote photography.

Yard Press – Yard Press is an independent publishing house focused on experimental publications and underground cultures.

Zatara Press – Zatara Press is an independent, small press, photography book publishing company created in 2014 by Andrew Fedynak, to give a voice to a variety of projects through the medium of unique “Artist’s Styled Photobooks.” All of our books are produced in Richmond, Virginia.

國際的攝影獎項 Photography Awards

Photojournalism and Documentary Photography Awards
Portrait Photography Awards
Awards for Female Photographers 
Awards for Photography Students
Photobook Awards
Everything Else

國際的攝影補助金和研究金 International Photography Grants and Fellowships

Alexia Foundation Professional & Student Grant
Submission period: October – January. “The Alexia Foundation promotes the power of photojournalism to give voice to social injustice, to respect history lest we forget it and to understand cultural difference as our strength – not our weakness”.

Blue Earth’s Grant
Submission period: July – January and January – July. “Blue Earth sponsors documentary projects whose goal is to educate the public about critical environmental and social issues. We are primarily interested in work that is educational and informational in nature and will consider proposals of any geographic scope involving the photographic and motion picture mediums”.

FotoEvidence Book Award
Submission period: November – January. “The annual FotoEvidence Book Award will recognize a documentary photographer whose project demonstrates courage and commitment in addressing a violation of human rights, a significant injustice or an assault on human dignity. The selected project will be published in a book, as part of a series of FotoEvidence books dedicated to the work of photographers whose commitment and courage create an awareness of social injustice”.

CENTER’s Project Launch Grant
Submission period: December – January. “The Project Launch is presented to an outstanding photographer working in fine art series or documentary project. The grant includes a cash award to help complete or disseminate the works as well as providing a platform for exposure and professional development opportunities”.

CENTER’s Project Development Grant
Submission period: January – February. “The Project Development Grant offers financial support to fine art, documentary or photojournalist works-in-progress. The grant includes a cash award to help complete a project as well as platforms for feedback and professional development opportunities for the works final stages”.

Lucie Foundation Emerging Scholarship
Submission period: November – February. “The Lucie Foundation is proud to support professionals and emerging talent who progress the art form of still photography through original subject matter, content, or processes. Our support of photography is broad, from photojournalism to fashion photography, digital to medium format, including every other category and subcategory”.

Photographic Museum of Humanity Grant
Submission period: December – February. “PMH 2014 Grant is an important occasion to see your work recognized by an outstanding jury in front of an international public. It is a great moment to gain visibility and create yourself new opportunities”.

Manuel Rivera-Ortiz Foundation for Documentary Photography & Film Grant
Submission period: November – March. “We invite documentary photographers around the globe to submit their documentary photo project proposals highlighting human unrest, forgotten communities, over-exploited people and environments impacted by war, povery, famine, disease, exploitation and global distress”.

Crusade Engagement Grant
Submission period: February – April. “Crusade for Art aims to educate, inspire, and support artists to create unique, approachable programs that bring new audiences to art and allow them to engage with art in a meaningful way. By inspiring, mentoring, teaching, and funding, Crusade for Art will empower artists to focus on creating demand for art and thereby encourage systemic changes to create a new crop of art lovers, patrons, and collectors”.

Inge Morath Award
Submission period: February – April . “The annual Inge Morath Award is given to a woman photographer under thirty years of age, to assist in the completion of a long term documentary project. The winner and finalists are selected by the photographer members of Magnum Photos and a representative of the Morath Foundation at the Magnum annual meeting”.

Marine Conservation Photography Grant
Submission period: February – April. “The Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) believes that photography is a powerful tool for marine conservation. We seek emerging conservation, wildlife and environmental photographers with a passion for marine subjects to apply for an unprecedented annual photography grant. SOSF has set aside US$40,000 to invest directly in marine conservation photographers of the future”.

Aaron Siskind Individual Photographer’s Fellowship
Submission period: March – May. “The Aaron Siskind Foundation is offering a limited number of Individual Photographer’s Fellowship grants of up to $10,000 each, for artists working in photography and photo-based art. Recipients will be determined by a panel of distinguished guest judges on the basis of artistic excellence, accomplishment to date, and the promise of future achievement in the medium in its widest sense”.

Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize
Submission period: February – May. “The Dorothea Lange-Paul Taloyr Prize  was created to encourage collaboration between documentary writers and photographers in the tradition of the acclaimed photographer Dorothea Lange and writer and social scientist Paul Taylor”.

Eugene Smith Grant
Submission period: March – May. “The W. Eugene Smith Grant in Humanistic Photography is presented annually to a photographer whose past work and proposed project, as judged by a panel of experts, follows the tradition of W. Eugene Smith’s concerned photography and dedicated compassion exhibited during his 45-year career as a photographic essayist”.

Getty Images Grants for Editorial Photography
Submission period: April – May. “We believe that photojournalism is a powerful tool for telling compelling social, political and cultural stories. That is why we continue to offer the Grants for Editorial photography, to help photojournalists pursue projects of personal and journalistic significance”.

Getty Images Emerging Talent Award
Submission period: April – May. “Each year, to complement our Grants for Editorial Photography, we offer an opportunity for young photographers to receive mentoring and support through our Emerging Talent Award”.

Getty Images Creative Grants
Submission period: April – May. “Getty Images proudly supports photographers, filmmakers and communications professionals who use their talents to promote positive change in our world. The Getty Images Creative Grants help these creative visionaries as they work together to create new, compelling imagery or video for a nonprofit organization of their choice”.

Imagely Fund
Submission period: April – May. “The Imagely Fund offers a $5000 grant to a photographer to help fund one humanitarian or environmental photography project each grant cycle. Our goal is to provide support for projects that will have a tangible and positive impact on the world”.

Alexia Foundation Women’s Initiative Grant
Submission period: April – June. “Unlike the first Women’s Initiative grant, which specifically focused on abuse of women in the United States, this call for entries is intended to permit the photographer to propose a serious documentary photographic or multimedia project encompassing any issue involving women anywhere in the world”.

Burn Magazine’s Emerging Photographer Fund
Submission period: May – July. “The Emerging Photographer Grant is designed to support continuation of a photographer’s personal project. This body of work may be of either journalistic mission or purely personal artistic imperatives. The primary intent is to support emerging photographers who will become the icons of tomorrow”.

Howard Chapnick Grant
Submission period: June – July. “The Howard Chapnick Grant was established to encourage and support leadership in fields ancillary to photojournalism, such as editing research, education and management”.

Ian Parry Scholarship
Submission period: June – July. “Each year we hold an international photographic competition for young photographers who are either attending a full-time photographic course or are under 24”.

LightWork Artist-in-Residence
Submission period: October – July. “Each year Light Work invites 12-15 artists to participate in its residency program, including one artist co-sponsored by Autograph ABP and one artist in conjunction with the Urban Video Project (UVP). Artists selected for the residency program are invited to live in Syracuse for one month”.

Firecracker Photographic Grant
Submission period: June – August. “The Firecracker Photographic Grant is an annual award providing funding for a female photographer to aid with the completion of a documentary photographic project”.

Photogravphy Grant
Submission period: March – August. “Our grant is open for submissions without any fees (Free to Enter) to support all photographers from every corner of the world. We only accept series of photographs which share a common theme and are built as a one consistent project in the following categories: City, Fine Art, Outdoor, Story, People. We do believe that it will help a photographer to proceed and complete his project. The Grand Prize winner and finalists will be selected by the most respected names in photographic world”.

APA / Lucie Foundation Scholarship
Submission period: March – September. “The Lucie Foundation is proud to support professionals and emerging talent who progress the art form of still photography through original subject matter, content, or processes. Our support of photography is broad, from photojournalism to fashion photography, digital to medium format, including every other category and subcategory”.

Carmignac Gestion Photojournalism Award
Submission period: July – September. “Created in 2009, by the Carmignac Gestion Foundation, Carmignac Gestion photojournalism Award invites documentary photographers and photojournalists from around the world to submit a long-term reportage on a particular theme”.

Silvereye Fellowship
Submission period: August – October. “This juried competition identifies and recognizes both rising talent and established photographers from all corners of the globe and from the state of Pennsylvania”.

Tim Hetherington Grant
Submission period: September – October. “The grant is open to professional photographers who have participated in a recent World Press Photo Contest and applications are accepted in October every year. The grant celebrates the legacy of photojournalist and filmmaker Tim Hetherington, who was killed when a group of journalists came under fire during fighting between rebels and General Gaddafi’s forces in Misrata, Libya in April 2011”.

Gomma Photography Grant
Submission period: August – November. “We know that 1000 Euros will not enable you to go and shoot the aborigines in Papua Guinea but we do believe that it will help a photographer to proceed with and, hopefully, complete an ongoing work. We are fully aware of the costs that photographers have to face on a daily basis so we at Gomma have decided to light up our own Karmic balance and had come up with a new grant for photographers”.

Focus for Humanity’s NGO Grant
Submission period: October – December. “This is a significant grant given annually for a working photographer to undertake a paid assignment with an NGO of their choice”.

The Aftermath Project
Submission period: October – December. “The Aftermath Project’s mission is to support photographic projects that tell the other half of the story of conflict — the story of what it takes for individuals to learn to live again, to rebuild destroyed lives and homes, to restore civil societies, to address the lingering wounds of war while struggling to create new avenues for peace. Grant proposals should reflect an understanding of this mission”.

VSCO Artist Initiative
Submission period: submission accepted on a rolling basis. “The VSCO® Artist Initiative is a $1,000,000USD grant and movement of solidarity that provides artists the resources to pursue their creative vision. The Initiative honors art and artist by discovering, funding, advising, and promoting creatives from all corners of the globe”.

JGS Quarterly Photography Contest
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “Joy of Giving Something, Inc. (JGS) established in 2009 an ongoing juried, international photography contest that encourages artists eighteen years and older to submit their own new work, which has not been previously published or exhibited”.

Open Society Foundations
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “The Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and tolerant democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens”.

Reminders Photography Stronghold Grants
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “Using our global network, we will be supporting the publicizing of photographers and their works, your photographic presentation or campaign, or your book launch. Any alternative proposal on photography for the best use for this gallery space is welcome – but all proposals will be reviewed and only successful proposal will receive this grant”.

Rory Peck Assistance Grants
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “Our assistance grants are modest but they are targeted so that they meet the specific needs of the freelancer or family.  Amounts and target areas vary according to the particular circumstances of the applicant but examples include medical and rehabilitation costs, emergency subsistence, legal advice, and relocation costs.  Our aim is to help grantees overcome a crisis and, where possible, resume work”.

Rory Peck Training Fund
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “The Rory Peck Training Fund makes hostile environment training affordable for freelancers. Since its launch in 2000, the Fund has given over 500 bursaries to freelance journalists, photographers, cameramen and filmmakers, enabling them to gain the vital skills and knowledge needed for work in hostile environments”.

The Documentary Project Fund
Submission period: multiple call for entries per year, and with varying dates – check website for details. “TheDocumentaryProjectFund was founded in 2012 as a 501(c)(3) to help make sure that photographers who want to tell the stories of their communities will be able to do so. We are here to encourage, through project support, photographers who have a community focus and a good story to tell. We believe that still photography, especially the documentary form, can be an incredibly powerful art. We can admire the beauty of each image, be challenged to think about the issues raised and come away with our biases tested”.

被轟炸的圖書館 at Holland House, Kensington, London

這場景,對於愛書者 都有很大感觸吧~

An interior view of the bombed library at Holland House, Kensington, London, with readers apparently choosing books regardless. Photographed in 1940.

Books continue each other in spite of our habit of judging them separately.
 圖書彼此相互延續儘管我們習慣分別的判斷它們。 (Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1989 [1929]), p. 80)

Any text is constructed as a mosaic of quotations; any text is the absorption and transformation of another. The notion of intertextuality replaces that of intersubjectivity.
  (Julia Kristeva, ‘Word, dialogue and novel’ in The Kristeva Reader, ed. Toril Moi (Oxford: Blackwell, 1986), p. 37)

Omnis mundi creatura quasi liber et pictura nobis est in speculum
(‘All worldly creation,  like a book and picture, is ours in a mirror’
  (Alain de Lille, Patrologia Latina, CCX, 579 A, cited in E. R. Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, tr. W. R. Trask (New York and Evanston, IL: Harper & Row, Harper Torchbooks/The Bollingen Library, 1953), p. 319)








兩個班: 下午班 或 晚上班

創作班的學生 是拿作品來討論的, 不全部是老師在講課的喔。😆。







