2020年3月22日 星期日

免費在線觀看紀錄片 Watch films online for free

200多部紀錄片,阿姆斯特丹 國際紀錄片節
The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

多年來在IDFA上放映的所有電影和互動紀錄片。 許多都可以在線觀看(通過使用過濾器“在線觀看”),有些是免費的!

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam offers an independent and inspiring meeting place for audiences and professionals to see a diverse and high-quality program. The diverse nature of the event applies to the form and content of the films as well as to the cultural backgrounds of the filmmakers. IDFA offers an alternative to mass entertainment and uniformity, confirming that there is an increasing need in audiences for high-quality films that delve deep and urge us to reflect. Since 2007, the festival's New Media program IDFA DocLab showcases the best interactive non-fiction storytelling and explores how the digital revolution is reshaping documentary art.

In addition to the festival, IDFA has developed several professional activities, contributing to the development of filmmakers and their films at all stages. At co-financing and co-production market IDFA Forum filmmakers and producers pitch their plans to financiers; at Docs for Sale new documentaries are on offer to programmers and distributors; the IDFA Bertha Fund supports filmmakers and documentary projects in developing countries; and the IDFAcademy offers a international training programs for up-and-coming doc talents.


Explore all films and interactive documentaries that have been shown at IDFA over the years. Many are available to watch online (by using the filter Watch online), some for free! We're working hard to keep the selection as broad and accessible as possible, but unfortunately, some titles are available to stream within The Netherlands only.


